Thursday, September 3, 2009

Young Astronauts are Back

I was a Young Astronaut Leader for 4 years. A couple of years ago the Young Astronaut website disappeared and I was confused. Yesterday I got am email from the Young Astronaut Council - they are back. This is an announcement that the Young Astronaut Council has been reorganized. Please be aware there is a new Official Young Astronaut Council web site The office is accepting renewals for chapter memberships and individual memberships.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Toys in Space

One of the programs that I present is the Toys in Space Program. Two of the Space Shuttle missions took toys with them in order to teach physics. If you check with NASA - toys have also been on the International Space Station. Amoung the toys taken to space were paper airplanes, magnetic marbles, a windup fish and a yo-yo.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Solar Dynamic Observatory

The Solar Dynamic Observatory will be launching in January 2010. It is going to study the sun like no spacecraft that has gone before. It will download so much information that it will have its own ground station in New Mexico. I have given one talk about it already at the Museum of Natural History and Science in Dallas, TX.